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This short document will offer you ATRE industry connections and data to supplement CTE Data Unlocked (Available here and here.). Also included are strategies for regional planning that are in alignment with the Strong Workforce Task Force recommendations. Read more…
By Pamela Gutman, ATRE, San Francisco City College for Peter Davis, ATRE Sector Navigator
Why develop an automotive internship program? Read more…
Aligning ATRE Regions with the Workforce Training Needs of Rapidly Changing Advanced Transportation and Renewable Energy Sectors (PDF)
Sample data of clean technology start-ups, small, medium and large companies currently innovating new clean technologies and are seeking, are or have received new funding to perfect their ideas or to grow. (PDF)
A Model Program and Policy Recommendations by Larry McLaughlin and Joe Wachsmuth (PDF)
Do you need a trained workforce? An assessment? To improve your bottom line? Skill set enhancement for your workers? To develop specific skills for a new technology? Click here to find out how ATRE can help you! (PDF)
Do you need help starting or developing a class or program? Click here to find out how ATRE can help you! (PDF)
The EOT is a “Go, No-Go Device“ to help you and your campus make a decision about the creation of a class or program. Many things need to be considered before money, people and time are invested in the curriculum development process and this template will help you determine if the opportunity is truly there. (PDF)
Click here to watch videos describing the process of developing an ATRE program or class.